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Michigan Beekeepers Association

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The Michigan Beekeepers AssociatioN

    Membership in the Michigan Beekeepers Association supports Michigan bees and beekeepers. When you become a member of the Michigan Beekeepers Association (MBA), you are joining the oldest continuously operating agricultural organization in the state of Michigan, and one of the oldest beekeeping clubs in the country.



Michigan Honey Festival

July 20 - 21

10:00 am - 5:00 pm

  • Demonstrations
  • Cornhole tournament
  • Silent auction
  • Children's activities
  • Much, much more!

Shiawassee County Fair Grounds

2900 Hibbard Rd, Corunna, MI 48817

Learn More
Melanie Kirby - Keynote Speaker

Save the date for the MBA’s Fall Conference!

Saturday, October 19th

Benzie Central High School in Benzonia, MI

We are excited to announce that our keynote speaker will be Melanie Kirby!

The bees found Melanie Kirby 28 years ago and continue to teach her about land stewardship, food systems, and diverse world views on conservation and outreach. She co-founded Zia Queenbees Farm & Field Institute located in the southern Rocky Mountains. Melanie is the founder of the Adaptive Bee Breeders Alliance- a coast-to-coast network of bee breeders and scientists. Melanie was recently appointed to the inaugural Pollinator Subcommittee of the National Ag Research, Extension Education, and Economics Advisory Board. She also works as the Extension Educator for the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe running a tribal beekeeping program and conducting pollinator ecology research.

We are excited to announce additional speakers at the 2024 Fall Conference will be Melanie Kirby, John Stephens and Meghan Milbrath.

2024 Fall Conference Speaker Bios

Michigan Beekeepers on TV

Media Meet WMNU-TV PBS

WNMU Public Television interviewed Charlotte Hubbard, Adam Ingrao, Joel Lantz and Rich Wieske as they were getting reading for the UP Beekeeping Conference being held on NMU’s campus. Mike Settles "Media Meet" from the Marquette channel 13 spent Friday morning March 29, 2024 talking on air for 1/2 hour.

It will be available for streaming on our Media Meet webpage (

Here is a direct link to the program, It will remain at that link for months and years to come, so feel free to use it as you see fit .Best of luck this weekend.

The Eastern Apicultural Society Conference is coming to Michigan

August 4-8, 2025

70th Annual short course and conference

Michigan welcomes EAS for the 2025 conference at the University of Michigan’s Dearborn Campus.

Great information, great fun, great food, and great beekeepers

Join us and experience all that Michigan has to offer!

Beekeeping Workshops and Webinars MSU Extension

Upcoming Events

2023 Michigan Honey Festival

While the lower half of the state had a torrential down pour, the Michigan Honey Festival was blessed with clear sky’s, making for a delightful couple of days in mid July and a fantastic gathering of old time beekeepers, new and wanna bees. Literally hundreds of coloring books and seed packets were distributed, much equipment picked up minus the shipping cost and friendships rekindled.

A refuge for pollinators: A case study of establishing large-scale pollinator habitat on marginal farmland using federal funds

Heather Chapman and Meghan Milbrath, Michigan State University, Department of Entomology - September 27, 2022

Establishing a pollinator refuge through the National Resource Conservation Service Environmental Quality Incentives Program in southern Michigan.

There are many ways to support pollinator health by planting flowers. This case study provides one example of establishing pollinator habitat in southern Michigan by participating in the National Resource Conservation Service Environmental Quality Incentives Program.

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Problem and Unwanted Bees

If you have a swarm hanging in your tree or a colony living in your wall, you may need a beekeeper!  Many beekeepers will remove swarms. Some will do cut-outs. Not sure what the difference is? Or even if your "bees" are honey bees? Click below for more information.


Lists of beekeepers who can remove swarms or colonies for you. 

Swarm Removal


If you aren't sure what you have, please check out our page on Unwanted Bees (link at left).

Keep Your Bees Safe from Bears

Keep Yogi out of your bee yard!

Bear fence plans from the Michigan DNR and Scientific Beekeeping.

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